Iran continues to escalate their threats against anyone who is for freedom and peace. Experts say that Iran is a year away from developing nuclear weapons. They are threatening a “worldwide depression” by shutting off oil exports. Their focus on destroying Israel and the Israeli people has not waned; and as we know with Pastor Nadarkhani, anyone in Iran who believes in religious liberty and free speech will be silenced.
This is not a time for apathy. This is the time for action. Iran’s threats are real and growing each day. Join the ACLJ in demanding that the U.S. and the U.N. take whatever action is necessary to stop Iran now. Add your name to our petition.
Petition to Stop Iran’s Threats
To: President Obama and the United Nations
Action must be taken now to stop Iran's nuclear development and to stop the threats aimed at Israel, the United States, and the free world. Iran must lift the death sentence against Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani and release him - his only crime, his Christian beliefs. Please take whatever action is necessary to prevent Iran from being capable of nuclear weapons and stop this immediate threat.